Create a Gratitude and Vison Board

Create a Gratitude and Vison Board

Creating a gratitude and vision board is a really beautiful and powerful way to keep a visual reminder of the life that you are creating.

Your gratitude board helps you to reflect on all the things, people and experiences in your life that you feel thankful for or proud of.

A daily gratitude practice allows you to celebrate the present and be happy in the moment, raising your emotional vibration and helping you to focus on the positive rather than the negative. What you feel you attract, so the more you feel and express gratitude, the more you will receive to be grateful for. This is simply the Law of Attraction and manifestation.

The vision part of your board helps bring a daily awareness and focus, inspiring you to you to take action in alignments with your inner Goddess and the life that you want to create.

How to make a gratitude and vision board

You can either make a digital version and keep it on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC. You can also print this version out and put it around your home, office and anywhere else that you will see it on a regular basis.

Alternatively, you can pin photos, pictures, drawings etc to a pin board or white board and place it somewhere that you will be able to look at it every day.

Or if your like me you can do both!

The best time to create your board

I would recommend creating your board straight after the Imagination and Visualisation practice in your Goddess Guide. Essentially you need to have a clear vision in your mind of what your dream life looks like for you, the goals that you want to achieve and the life that you want to create.

Find personal photos, drawings, pictures, magazine cuttings, inspirational quotes, basically anything that feels good to you and signifies your future and desired outcomes.

As you place these pictures and words on your board, try to feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation for them as if they have already been received or have already been achieved. The Law of Attraction will always be that ‘we attract what we feel’.

Inspiration and ideas of what to use on your board


I pinned a photo of my Nan (who left this world many years ago) to remind me that she is my Guardian Angel and always with me. I had a picture of my little girl, my home and my business. I also had a picture of me when I passed my yoga teaching training, a picture of me completing the Tony Robbins ‘unleash the power with in’ fire walk. I had affirmations and inspirational quotes. I had a picture of my apartment in Bulgaria, and I had pictures of the charities that I supported. These were all things that I felt proud of and thankful for in my life.


I had a sign that said ‘TRUST’ as a reminder that I needed to trust in myself, my capabilities and in the powers of the universe. I had pictures of the Goddess Guide Life Planner as this was something that was very clear to me, and I knew I was meant to create. I had a picture of the magazines that I wanted to be featured in, I had a picture of wonder women to remind me that my feminine energy is strong and powerful. I had a printout of a cheque for money that I wanted to receive, the car that I wanted to drive, the places that I wanted to visit and the house that I wanted to live in.

I separated my board in two (it was a very large board) and I had gratitude at the bottom and my vision/life that I was creating at the top. When I achieved or received something from my vision board, I would move it to the gratitude half of my board and spend a few minutes feeling thankful for this.

Your gratitude and vision board will be forever evolving and expanding along with you and your life. Don’t worry if your vision change over time as this is completely natural and part of the cycle of life.

This is such a fun and magical thing to make. Get creative and give it your personal touch and personal power.

Once you have made your board(s), find places around the house that you can put them so that you see them every day.

I have a printed version on my fridge, in a frame next to my bed and in my home office.

If you don’t have the space or want to keep your board personal and private, then a digital version is just as effective. Alternatively, you can print it out and keep it safe in your Goddess Guide or personal journal.

If you would like to share your boards that you have created with the rest of the Soul Focus Family, head to our Facebook page!

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